Friday, July 1, 2011

11 days and counting...

We are down to our "leaving" month and it's getting a little sad and exciting at the same time.  Our packing date is July 9th and our move date is July 11th.  So, today being July 1st means that we've got exactly 10 days to see friends and say good-bye. 
I'm going to Hattiesburg next week to see a few friends and my aunt and grandmother before we move.  I'm not sure if we'll get down there again before Christmas since it's a long drive. 
We were able to see our good friends who are about to leave the country and their little girl one more time on Wednesday.  We love getting to spend time with them and will really miss them when they move. 
Last weekend we went to Denham Springs to visit Matt's family one more time and they were all doing well.  We got to see some of his friends and ate some delicious boiled shrimp at his aunt's house.  We also watched a lot of the Casey Anthony trial with his grandmother who never changes the channel from that program.  :) 
Now, for my "last" Weight Watchers" weigh-in here: Remember that I'd missed two days of working out and spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday trying to not eat too much, but being out of town, it wasn't easy.  So, my result was a +.2lbs, which is exactly what I'd lost last week.  They are not meeting this Monday b/c of the holiday, and we're moving the next Monday.  So, I'm going to have to find a meeting in South Carolina to attend.  I'll worry about that later.  But even though I'm not weighing in each week, I bought a scale that I can use to keep me accountable until I get settled there. 
One thing God has taught me this week is that He is in control and that I should never doubt his timing, wisdom and plan.  Matt and I are stepping into new territory but we know that God has gone before us already and we have to trust that what is happening is His plan for us.