Saturday, August 6, 2011

South Carolina = Adventure City... Part 1: I'm pregnant!!

My view for 2 days of driving
Well, I've been very lax in blogging since we've moved, but I'll give you several wonderful reasons for that in the next few paragraphs.  We moved here on July 11th, spent the night in Birmingham and finished the drive on the 12th.  It was an extremely hot day to unload, but we managed.  I couldn't help much with the loading/unloading because I'd just found out I was PREGNANT!!  So crazy! 

My last post I wrote was on July 1st and I had found out the day before.  I couldn't say it here b/c I had many people to tell before I let it out on the web.  But as most of you know I was doing Weight Watchers and had been for a month before I found out I was pregnant.  You can't really diet while you're pregnant, so I've had to quit WW.  That's okay though.  I'll start back after I have the baby.  

 So, while we're driving to SC, I call my new boss and say "Hey, btw, I'm pregnant!"  He was very happy for us which made me feel pretty good.  I know it's a lot for any new job, but when you're just starting, it can make you feel unsure and nervous.  Matt and I just trust that we know how long we've tried and wanted this, but it's all been in God's timing.  We've been to the doctor and found out that I was right on the due date which is February 27th.  And yes, 2012 is Leap Year, so if I'm two days late...that might be a little crazy!
The shirt I wore to tell LOTS of people!

Little Baby Street!
So, one thing I've had to do was find an OBGYN to make an appointment to see a doctor.  I was about 6 weeks along when I found out in Monroe, but after we'd been here for a couple of weeks, I was ready to try to see someone.  My sister (from Spartanburg, SC) has a few friends here who have just had babies so she gave me their info and I called them to see who they went to.  That helped a lot.  I was able to get in rather soon to one place, so that's where we went.  I've been twice (post to come later) in the past 2 weeks.  Matt and I went when I was 9 weeks and heard the heartbeat, and saw the little peanut!  Matt was so amazed!  I was too, of course, but I think I knew a little more of what to expect than he did.  It really was an awesome experience!  Monday, I'll be 11 weeks pregnant, so my nausea has calmed down quite a bit.  It was pretty bad there between weeks 6 and 9.  Ginger Ale and crackers and I were BFF every morning.  

Okay, so that's ONE reason my blogging has slacked some.  My naps are frequent and trying to unpack from the move is still an issue.  One reason unpacking is still an issue takes me to my next blog.  I don't want you to get too bored reading 3 weeks worth of adventure too soon.