Thursday, September 15, 2011

South Carolina= Adventure City Part 2 Matt's Broken Arm

Matt and I wanted to get some exercise while we were here, so we went to a park where he skated and I found a track to walk around.  We'd been here at least once before, but this time, Matt broke his arm!! It was quite dramatic, yet he was very calm.  He drove around the gravel track to pick me up with his right wrist in his left hand, jumped out of the driver's seat and said, "we've got to go to the hospital".  Of course, I'm like "we don't even know where it is!!"  We'd only been in town for a grand total of 5 days! It was borderline inconceivable.  I'm driving and he's calling Tim, the BCM director, for directions to the hospital.  He never cried, which I'm sure I would have been pouring hysterical tears.  But boy, did his wrist look bad.  I'll post a pic but those of you with weak stomachs, be forewarned!  It's not pretty.  Even one of the ER nurses who took the x-rays almost lost her lunch.  I thought that was pretty stupid for her to even be working on that floor b/c HELLO, that's what she should expect to see!  It never bothered me too bad I guess b/c I knew I had to hold it together for Matt's sake.  He was probably the quietest I'd ever seen him for 3 hours while we waited to see the doctor.  But once he got some good drugs in him and the doctor was about to pop his wrist back in place, he was all kind of Chatty Cathy/Carl?, and actually smiling at me.  So, I knew he wasn't feeling much pain then.  
A wrist should never look like this.  
So, all that adds up to a slower move-in process b/c Matt's limited to one arm.  He was in constant pain for about 3 weeks.  So, he was BFF with the couch and TV for a while.  He couldn’t even play video games because he didn't have much dexterity in his right hand/fingers.  
This was the first cast, not the cool looking one.  
He went back to the orthopedic and the doctor took off his cast, took out the stitches and put on another cast.  He wore that one for 2 weeks.  It was shorter and thinner and cooler looking.  (Didn’t get a pic) He had more room for movement in his fingers/hand, which was good b/c classes were staring that week.   (August 18th)  He’s since gotten the cast off and is going to physical therapy.  His wrist movement is pretty good (he can write and grip), but his angle of movement is what he’s in therapy for.  He can’t move his hand to a 90 degree angle up or down, so that’s what’s got to improve.  There’s also a nice scar that’s about 2-3 inches long, which he’s not excited about.  But all in all, he’s doing much better and improving each day.  


  1. That is just crazy! I am glad Matt survived (and you of course)!

  2. Been a nurse for 13 years, can handle pee, poop, snot, throw up and a whole lot worse...But not broken bones. They make me sick and a little light headed...
