Monday, November 21, 2011

26 weeks and counting!

     Well, we found out that we're having a boy!  So excited!  We haven't decided on a name yet, so all suggestions are welcome.  There are a few names we're tossing around though.  It's just been much harder for us to decide a boy name than a girl name.  We already had a girl name picked out, but it's okay.  Something will click and we'll decide eventually.
     As for the second trimester of this pregnancy, I can't complain at all.  A little back soreness is nothing compared to what other women have had to go through.  I had the glucose testing for gestational diabetes and they called to say that everything looked great and that I do NOT have ges. diabetes.  So, YAY!  I would have endured it if I had to, but it would have just been a harder road than I would have wanted.  I will say that I have not been as hungry as I thought I would be though.  It takes a while for me to actually feel "hungry", and my appetite is not really big.  But when I do eat, I'm not wanting to eat a lot.
     At week 26, my baby is about 2 lbs and steadily growing.  He's started kicking which is such an awesome feeling!  I first felt him kick on Oct 21st, the day before my birthday!  A wonderful early birthday present!  Matt finally felt him kick a few days ago for the first time and he was excited.  I didn't really know how excited he was until I heard him telling some other people that he felt the kicks.
     I'm finally really starting to show which is fun.   Certain clothes show the bump better than others though.  I do not like that I feel like I have to look nice or else I really will just look fat.  Two weeks ago people were saying "you don't even look pregnant!" and Matt asked me what I thought when people said that.  Of course I told him that I would rather people think I'm pregnant than just think I'm always this chunky.  So, I prefer to wear the tighter clothes to show off my bump as opposed to the looser ones where you just look like a big blob.  Being short, to look like a blob is much easier than if I was tall.  But carrying a boy, I feel like most of my weight gain has been out front which is good too.
     Matt has been super supportive during my pregnancy.  He always tells me I look pretty and is willing to help if I need him to do something.  Our third anniversary is tomorrow!  Wow! We're going to a Brazilian steakhouse (churrasco) tomorrow night to celebrate!  I'm excited because that's where they bring around all kinds of cooked meats on skewers and my protein cravings should be well satisfied for a little while (okay, maybe just a day or so), but red meat is probably the one thing I do crave more than anything else.  Speaking of cravings...I haven't craved anything totally weird, but there are things that I want more often than I would if I wasn't pregnant.  Examples are hamburgers, peanut butter sandwiches, potato chips, french fries.  These are not weird foods at all, just foods that I don't normally eat on a regular basis, except for hamburgers.  I probably do eat those a lot.  I also crave chinese food and vegetables, but I normally eat those so that's not too weird for me either.
     All you pregnant ladies, or mom's, what are some weird things you craved?

1 comment:

  1. Jenny....I think you are a beautiful pregnant woman! I truly hope you are enjoying this special time in your life! It is amazing and there is nothing like it!
