Word on the Street
Monday, November 21, 2011
26 weeks and counting!
Well, we found out that we're having a boy! So excited! We haven't decided on a name yet, so all suggestions are welcome. There are a few names we're tossing around though. It's just been much harder for us to decide a boy name than a girl name. We already had a girl name picked out, but it's okay. Something will click and we'll decide eventually.
As for the second trimester of this pregnancy, I can't complain at all. A little back soreness is nothing compared to what other women have had to go through. I had the glucose testing for gestational diabetes and they called to say that everything looked great and that I do NOT have ges. diabetes. So, YAY! I would have endured it if I had to, but it would have just been a harder road than I would have wanted. I will say that I have not been as hungry as I thought I would be though. It takes a while for me to actually feel "hungry", and my appetite is not really big. But when I do eat, I'm not wanting to eat a lot.
At week 26, my baby is about 2 lbs and steadily growing. He's started kicking which is such an awesome feeling! I first felt him kick on Oct 21st, the day before my birthday! A wonderful early birthday present! Matt finally felt him kick a few days ago for the first time and he was excited. I didn't really know how excited he was until I heard him telling some other people that he felt the kicks.
I'm finally really starting to show which is fun. Certain clothes show the bump better than others though. I do not like that I feel like I have to look nice or else I really will just look fat. Two weeks ago people were saying "you don't even look pregnant!" and Matt asked me what I thought when people said that. Of course I told him that I would rather people think I'm pregnant than just think I'm always this chunky. So, I prefer to wear the tighter clothes to show off my bump as opposed to the looser ones where you just look like a big blob. Being short, to look like a blob is much easier than if I was tall. But carrying a boy, I feel like most of my weight gain has been out front which is good too.
Matt has been super supportive during my pregnancy. He always tells me I look pretty and is willing to help if I need him to do something. Our third anniversary is tomorrow! Wow! We're going to a Brazilian steakhouse (churrasco) tomorrow night to celebrate! I'm excited because that's where they bring around all kinds of cooked meats on skewers and my protein cravings should be well satisfied for a little while (okay, maybe just a day or so), but red meat is probably the one thing I do crave more than anything else. Speaking of cravings...I haven't craved anything totally weird, but there are things that I want more often than I would if I wasn't pregnant. Examples are hamburgers, peanut butter sandwiches, potato chips, french fries. These are not weird foods at all, just foods that I don't normally eat on a regular basis, except for hamburgers. I probably do eat those a lot. I also crave chinese food and vegetables, but I normally eat those so that's not too weird for me either.
All you pregnant ladies, or mom's, what are some weird things you craved?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
20 weeks!!
I can't believe that I am actually 20 weeks pregnant! Matt keeps asking when I'm going to start showing, but I do have a little bump. It's so sweet of him to say b/c I know that I'm not the same size I was when we left Louisiana. :) I'll post a pic later this week because that's when we'll find out if it's a BOY or a GIRL!
They say that the second trimester is usually the easiest and that has rang true for me so far! I've felt really good, have been walking several times each week and I'm trying not to eat everything I see. People have asked me if I've craved weird things like many pregnant women do. I can't say that I've craved anything weird, but I can definitely tell when my body is asking for protein or calcium or something like that. I really love hamburgers these days but I"m not as crazy about shrimp as I used to be. Hopefully I'll get back on the shrimp kick once the baby's here.
I really want to go running while I'm out walking but my bladder is being sat on by this melon-sized baby that I have to pee like every 10-15 minutes while I'm walking as it is! So, all those runners out there who are able to run when they're pregnant, KUDOS to you! I really don't know how you do it especially when the dr already wants you to drink like 10 glasses of water a day. I do have a couple of restroom stops on my route just so I can continue the walk. So frustrating!
Matt and I have been discussing names for both genders. We're not sure yet what we want for a boy, but the girl name we're pretty sure about. And we really do not have a preference of either one-- there are actually reasons for both as to why we'd rather have either one. So, I think we'll be really excited either way!
Pray for us because it's going to be a long week and then once we find out I've got 2 other events that afternoon/night so I don't know how I'll be able to tell everyone until later. I wanted to have a gender reveal party but all of our family/friends are so scattered afar that it would just be me and Matt biting into a cupcake and that would defeat the whole purpose. So, now I've got to get creative in how I want to tell everyone.... :)
They say that the second trimester is usually the easiest and that has rang true for me so far! I've felt really good, have been walking several times each week and I'm trying not to eat everything I see. People have asked me if I've craved weird things like many pregnant women do. I can't say that I've craved anything weird, but I can definitely tell when my body is asking for protein or calcium or something like that. I really love hamburgers these days but I"m not as crazy about shrimp as I used to be. Hopefully I'll get back on the shrimp kick once the baby's here.
I really want to go running while I'm out walking but my bladder is being sat on by this melon-sized baby that I have to pee like every 10-15 minutes while I'm walking as it is! So, all those runners out there who are able to run when they're pregnant, KUDOS to you! I really don't know how you do it especially when the dr already wants you to drink like 10 glasses of water a day. I do have a couple of restroom stops on my route just so I can continue the walk. So frustrating!
Matt and I have been discussing names for both genders. We're not sure yet what we want for a boy, but the girl name we're pretty sure about. And we really do not have a preference of either one-- there are actually reasons for both as to why we'd rather have either one. So, I think we'll be really excited either way!
Pray for us because it's going to be a long week and then once we find out I've got 2 other events that afternoon/night so I don't know how I'll be able to tell everyone until later. I wanted to have a gender reveal party but all of our family/friends are so scattered afar that it would just be me and Matt biting into a cupcake and that would defeat the whole purpose. So, now I've got to get creative in how I want to tell everyone.... :)
Book Review: Your 100 Day Prayer
If one is looking for an in-depth devotional that will take
him well into theological concepts of prayer, this is not the book to
read. It is a light read, about 5
minutes each day. But the prayer
time put in can add to a more substantial quiet time if that is the goal to be
Your 100 Day Prayer by John I. Snyder begins on the first page with a place for one
to write down a central prayer request one would like for God to lead him through. The person then journal’s his
own thoughts. Then, there is a
general prayer to help one begin their 100 day prayer journey.
Each devotion has a verse or two to read, a page to a page
and a half of reading, a stated prayer for one to say, then space for one to
write “Today’s Progress” in their own words. The book progresses along with the reader through the 100
days of his prayer time, encouraging the reader to continue with his quest and
helps him to seek answers for his prayer(s). At the end of the book (which equals the end of 100 days of
prayer) there is a place for one to write how God has answered the
prayer(s). It is kind of a
culmination of all that has been read, thought and prayed to God over the past
100 days.
I thought this was an easy read for a devotional book. The real test was to make it
substantial enough to use as a quiet time guide. To do that, I had to add my own journaling (outside the
lines of the book) thoughts that expanded to include more of my prayers and not
just the initial one I wrote at the beginning of the book.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
South Carolina=Adventure City Part 3 Insurance Problems

Well, because Matt is such the initiative taker and always trying to do what he can to solve a problem...he did just that- he solved the problem. He called the hospital and talked to several people before he was connected to the Compassionate Care program and found out that they might be able to help out with the bills.
The qualifications for being able to receive monies from them were 1) a resident of SC for at least 6 months 2) prove you basically live at poverty level 3) and I'm not sure what else, but we already didn't meet the first one so I probably would have just stopped there. But Matt being the go-getter he is, took it upon himself to explain the situation to this angel of a lady who was apparently wooed by his charms. (As charming as he could be with his arm in pain and stressed out to the max). She waived the 6 month residency if we could prove our incomes didn't go over a certain amount. And since Matt was in school and my job had taken a pay cut, we definitely qualified.
We went to the hospital to meet with the angel lady herself and she looked over all our papers and said "okay, you're approved." To which I was like "approved for what?" And she said that the hospital would pay for the entire surgery, the ER visit (which she back dated for us), and any future hospital visits for 6 months. I was blown away!! Of course I started crying like a girl. :) All we were responsible for is the orthopedic portion of surgery and any visits we had with him.
So, we're thinking that the surgery would be somewhere between $10,000-$15,000 b/c that's what someone said when Matt called. But we got the bill a week ago (that said THIS IS NOT A BILL BUT TO LET YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR PROVIDER PAID), and I read over all the details of what was paid...let me tell you that my heart was dropping as I read over the costs and expenses. It wasn't $15,000 that was taken care of but $32,000+ that Compassionate Care paid for us. Talk about a humbling experience. I didn't even know what to say when I finished looking at that bill. God is so good and loving to his children. We had prayed for a miracle and within 3 days of breaking his arm, God provided in a way that I could only dream possible. We prayed that either he wouldn't need surgery or that insurance would come through. Insurance didn't, but God sure did! All we've had to pay so far is about $2000, but we're still waiting to see about the physical therapy costs. But if that's all we owe compared to $32,000, I'm not gonna complain. _____________________________________
God has proven himself to me over and over again in many financial ways. Our next step of faith is going to come when I have this baby. My insurance doesn't cover dependents, but Matt's insurance will. I'm not sure what all his plan detail covers, but I'm still trusting God to take care of it. He wouldn't have orchestrated all this down to this particular timing to not have a plan for our life.
If we were still in Louisiana, I would have excellent coverage for my baby and not have to worry about all this. So, I can only trust that God has put us in South Carolina already knowing that we were going to have this trial to endure. Which leads me to believe that He is going before me and my family and already knows what is to come. We just simply have to trust.
South Carolina= Adventure City Part 2 Matt's Broken Arm
Matt and I wanted to
get some exercise while we were here, so we went to a park where he skated and
I found a track to walk around. We'd been here at least once before, but
this time, Matt broke his arm!! It was quite dramatic, yet he was very
calm. He drove around the gravel track to pick me up with his right wrist
in his left hand, jumped out of the driver's seat and said, "we've got to
go to the hospital". Of course, I'm like "we don't even know
where it is!!" We'd only been in town for a grand total of 5 days!
It was borderline inconceivable. I'm driving and he's calling Tim, the
BCM director, for directions to the hospital. He never cried, which I'm
sure I would have been pouring hysterical tears. But boy, did his wrist
look bad. I'll post a pic but those of you with weak stomachs, be
forewarned! It's not pretty. Even one of the ER nurses who took the
x-rays almost lost her lunch. I thought that was pretty stupid for her to
even be working on that floor b/c HELLO, that's what she should expect to
see! It never bothered me too bad I guess b/c I knew I had to hold it
together for Matt's sake. He was probably the quietest I'd ever seen him
for 3 hours while we waited to see the doctor. But once he got some good
drugs in him and the doctor was about to pop his wrist back in place, he was
all kind of Chatty Cathy/Carl?, and actually smiling at me. So, I knew he
wasn't feeling much pain then.
A wrist should never look like this. |
So, all that adds up
to a slower move-in process b/c Matt's limited to one arm. He was in
constant pain for about 3 weeks. So, he was BFF with the couch and TV for
a while. He couldn’t even play video games because he didn't have much
dexterity in his right hand/fingers.
This was the first cast, not the cool looking one. |
He went back to the orthopedic
and the doctor took off his cast, took out the stitches and put on another
cast. He wore that one for 2 weeks. It was shorter and thinner
and cooler looking. (Didn’t get a
pic) He had more room for movement in his fingers/hand, which was good b/c
classes were staring that week. (August 18th) He’s since gotten the cast off and is going to physical
therapy. His wrist movement is
pretty good (he can write and grip), but his angle of movement is what he’s in
therapy for. He can’t move his
hand to a 90 degree angle up or down, so that’s what’s got to improve. There’s also a nice scar that’s about
2-3 inches long, which he’s not excited about. But all in all, he’s doing much better and improving each
Saturday, August 6, 2011
South Carolina = Adventure City... Part 1: I'm pregnant!!
My view for 2 days of driving |
My last post I wrote was on July 1st and I had found out the day before. I couldn't say it here b/c I had many people to tell before I let it out on the web. But as most of you know I was doing Weight Watchers and had been for a month before I found out I was pregnant. You can't really diet while you're pregnant, so I've had to quit WW. That's okay though. I'll start back after I have the baby.
So, while we're driving to SC, I call my new boss and say "Hey, btw, I'm pregnant!" He was very happy for us which made me feel pretty good. I know it's a lot for any new job, but when you're just starting, it can make you feel unsure and nervous. Matt and I just trust that we know how long we've tried and wanted this, but it's all been in God's timing. We've been to the doctor and found out that I was right on the due date which is February 27th. And yes, 2012 is Leap Year, so if I'm two days late...that might be a little crazy!
The shirt I wore to tell LOTS of people! |
Little Baby Street! |
So, one thing I've had to do was find an OBGYN to make an appointment to see a doctor. I was about 6 weeks along when I found out in Monroe, but after we'd been here for a couple of weeks, I was ready to try to see someone. My sister (from Spartanburg, SC) has a few friends here who have just had babies so she gave me their info and I called them to see who they went to. That helped a lot. I was able to get in rather soon to one place, so that's where we went. I've been twice (post to come later) in the past 2 weeks. Matt and I went when I was 9 weeks and heard the heartbeat, and saw the little peanut! Matt was so amazed! I was too, of course, but I think I knew a little more of what to expect than he did. It really was an awesome experience! Monday, I'll be 11 weeks pregnant, so my nausea has calmed down quite a bit. It was pretty bad there between weeks 6 and 9. Ginger Ale and crackers and I were BFF every morning.
Okay, so that's ONE reason my blogging has slacked some. My naps are frequent and trying to unpack from the move is still an issue. One reason unpacking is still an issue takes me to my next blog. I don't want you to get too bored reading 3 weeks worth of adventure too soon.
Friday, July 1, 2011
11 days and counting...
We are down to our "leaving" month and it's getting a little sad and exciting at the same time. Our packing date is July 9th and our move date is July 11th. So, today being July 1st means that we've got exactly 10 days to see friends and say good-bye.
I'm going to Hattiesburg next week to see a few friends and my aunt and grandmother before we move. I'm not sure if we'll get down there again before Christmas since it's a long drive.
We were able to see our good friends who are about to leave the country and their little girl one more time on Wednesday. We love getting to spend time with them and will really miss them when they move.
Last weekend we went to Denham Springs to visit Matt's family one more time and they were all doing well. We got to see some of his friends and ate some delicious boiled shrimp at his aunt's house. We also watched a lot of the Casey Anthony trial with his grandmother who never changes the channel from that program. :)
Now, for my "last" Weight Watchers" weigh-in here: Remember that I'd missed two days of working out and spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday trying to not eat too much, but being out of town, it wasn't easy. So, my result was a +.2lbs, which is exactly what I'd lost last week. They are not meeting this Monday b/c of the holiday, and we're moving the next Monday. So, I'm going to have to find a meeting in South Carolina to attend. I'll worry about that later. But even though I'm not weighing in each week, I bought a scale that I can use to keep me accountable until I get settled there.
One thing God has taught me this week is that He is in control and that I should never doubt his timing, wisdom and plan. Matt and I are stepping into new territory but we know that God has gone before us already and we have to trust that what is happening is His plan for us.
I'm going to Hattiesburg next week to see a few friends and my aunt and grandmother before we move. I'm not sure if we'll get down there again before Christmas since it's a long drive.
We were able to see our good friends who are about to leave the country and their little girl one more time on Wednesday. We love getting to spend time with them and will really miss them when they move.
Last weekend we went to Denham Springs to visit Matt's family one more time and they were all doing well. We got to see some of his friends and ate some delicious boiled shrimp at his aunt's house. We also watched a lot of the Casey Anthony trial with his grandmother who never changes the channel from that program. :)
Now, for my "last" Weight Watchers" weigh-in here: Remember that I'd missed two days of working out and spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday trying to not eat too much, but being out of town, it wasn't easy. So, my result was a +.2lbs, which is exactly what I'd lost last week. They are not meeting this Monday b/c of the holiday, and we're moving the next Monday. So, I'm going to have to find a meeting in South Carolina to attend. I'll worry about that later. But even though I'm not weighing in each week, I bought a scale that I can use to keep me accountable until I get settled there.
One thing God has taught me this week is that He is in control and that I should never doubt his timing, wisdom and plan. Matt and I are stepping into new territory but we know that God has gone before us already and we have to trust that what is happening is His plan for us.
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