Saturday, June 18, 2011

I heart spin class!

I just got finished with my 20th spin class.  Woo-hoo!  (At least that's how many I have logged on Facebook.)  I know that to many people it's not a lot, but I felt it deserved some recognition.  I've been running/working out/stairmaster-ing for many years now, but never thought I could handle a spin class.  I was never one for riding bikes outside if I felt like there were too many people around, b/c I didn't want to bump into anyone or fall off.  I'm such a scarey-cat sometimes (well, my husband would say ALL the time b/c I jump at the slightest thing and I have no idea where that comes from). 
Needless to say, I have never been intrigued to finish (or even start) a triathlon for the simple fact that I don't like to bike in groups, well I don't swim well at all either, but that's not the point.  If they had a triathlon that consisted of running, stairmaster and spinning, then I'm all for it!  haha  That would actually be pretty awesome.  I can tear up a stairmaster and now I'm cool with spin.  I realize that's all legs, but I doubt it'll ever come to fruition, so I'm not completely worried about it.
I decided back in March that I wanted to do something a little different for my cardio because I was getting slack in my running and if you do too much stairmaster, you can tone up your legs to where your jeans don't fit you anymore.  haha  Anyway, I told Matt, my husband, that I wanted to try spin and he was all for it.  Of course, I had to wake up at 5am for the 5:30 class b/c I had several night meetings during the year that I couldn't make the 5:30pm class.  So, to truly see how determined I was, I woke up twice a week at 5am and went to spin class for several weeks.  WHAT??  How crazy is that?
Now, I'll be honest, my first class was HARD!  I'm not saying I didn't like it, I just couldn't stand up the whole time the class stood up even though I was used to cardio at that pace.  It was just a different type of cardio that I had to work up too.  The second class was better and now that I'm at 20, I've even considered maybe teaching a class one day.  YIKES!  Now I go to the night classes a couple of times a week to switch up my cardio and I always try to go to the Saturday morning class if I'm in town. 
My friend Dawn kind of drew me into the spin cycle.  She's a marathoner and also teaches a spin class and has blogged about how she enjoys it.  So, I credit her to my joy for spin!  Thanks Dawn!  I wish I could go to her class some time, but she lives in Hattiesburg, MS.  Oh well...
So, on another note...I weigh-in at Weight Watchers on Monday!  Wish me luck!  I'll let you know how I do.  

1 comment:

  1. awesome! you do deserve the recognition and bragging! it's such a tough workout, but so fun. so glad you're enjoying it! you'd love my class - next time you're down here for a visit, i'll get you a visitor pass.
