Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A learning process.

Well, yesterday I weighed in for my second time at Weight Watchers and was a little surprised, but not really.  On The Biggest Loser (one of my fav shows for some reason) the second week is always a bad week on the scale.  Your body seems to be in shock from the weight you lost the week before, and just kind of stabilizes for a bit.
There wasn't a gain, but the loss I had was only .2 lbs, which puts my total loss at 2.8 lbs.  I'm okay with it, but I'm hoping that this week will be a little better.  The problem I have with this upcoming week is that Matt and I are going to Denham Springs for the weekend.  I'm sure his grandmother will try to get me to eat a lot- like all grandmothers do.
Yesterday, I did two work outs.  I got up at 6:30 and ran 3 miles then yesterday afternoon, I did the stairmaster for about 35 minutes which was about 4.25 miles.  So, I felt good all day.  Today though, I'm just tired and I think the weather has put me in a slump for a bit.  I'll go to the gym tomorrow either the morning or afternoon.  I've got to get at least 2 more workouts in b/c I'm sure I won't be able to work out while we're in DS.
I've got a weight loss in mind, but I'm just not setting a time frame for losing it.  I do think it'll take a couple of months though, especially given this week's progress.  :)   I'm not giving up either.

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